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Japan facing death toll and biggest nuclear crisis since Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Nearly 7,000 people are confirmed dead in Japan and the casualty is in constant increase. Beside the casualty from both the earthquake and the tsunami, Japan is brazing itself for another possible Hiroshima and Nagasaki scenario. The Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Plant is now placed at Alert Level 5/7. This means that a nuclear meltdown is imminent.

The meltdown will immediately affect a 3-mile radius and may even reach nearby countries depending on the intensity of the meltdown. The radiation level is said to be at ten times greater than what is experience in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Although a Chernobyl-like scenario is being ruled out by Japanese experts, those who are obserbing the crisis are seeing a remote possibility that it could even be worst.

The danger of nuclear radiation is not only imminent but it can last for about 10 generations. According to data available, "by the end of 1945 -- less than five months after the bombs fell -- about 140,000 people had died. Some babies born in subsequent months had birth defects, shrunken heads and mental disabilities."

Prime Minister Naoto Kan stimulates Japanese confidence and optimism as he sees difficult times ahead, ""With a tsunami and earthquake we don't have any room to be pessimistic. We are going to create Japan again from scratch. We should face this challenge together."

Thousands are still missing as well, as an aftermath of the earthquake and the tsunami. This is perhaps to be considered as the biggest disaster to hit the world in modern times. Japan had means to withstand disasters but they had never imagined such triple disaster of an earthquake, a tsunami and nuclear crisis all at the same time.

To get the latest live update from Japan you can click this link VIA CNN.

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