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Hitler and Polpot to be buried as heroes

Following the example of what happened in the Philippines, it was reported that Adolf Hitler and Polpot will also be buried as heroes.  Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte ordered the burial of former strong man and dictator Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan Ng Mga Bayani (Heroes Cemetery).  This decision was also uphold by the Supreme Court of the Philippines.  Seeing the brilliance in the decision, Germans and Cambodians finally decided to bury the hatchet.

"It was too long ago and people have to move on.  You have to see the white paper in which a black dot is place.  I see the goodness in what Hitler did and he should be remembered for that," said one German who refused to be identified.

Meanwhile a former victim of the Khmer Rouge is also seeing forgiveness, "Pol Pot is a great leader.  He is just betrayed by people around him.  I think it is time for forgiveness so that we can all move on,"

Adolf Hitler, Polpot and Ferdinand Macros in History

Adolf Hitler had been the leader of Nazi Germany.  During his totalitarian regime he was deemed responsible for the killing of an estimated  19.3 million civilians and prisoners of war..  In addition to that figures had it that he caused another 29 million deaths among soldiers and civilians as a result of military action in the European Theatre of World War II.

Pol Pot or Saloth Sar became the totalitarian leader of Kampuchea which is now known as Cambodia. More than 3 million died because of him and that is in a country with only 8 million people.  The combined effects of executions, strenuous working conditions, malnutrition and poor medical care caused the deaths of approximately 25 percent of the Cambodian population.

Although Ferdinand Marcos was not as a killer as the other two, he was the leader of the Philippines from 1965 to 1985, the longest among all.  He was said to turn a blind eye to thousand of people that disappeared and were tortured during Martial Law - more than 3,240 were killed.  Besides those who dies about 70,000 people were imprisoned and 34,000 tortured.  Forms of torture includes electrocution, beating up and strangulation.  Other torture accounts from those who suffered them recall themselves being burned with a flat iron or cigars, water poured on their throats, forced to beating, women were stripped naked and raped and at some point objects were forced into their genitals.  Marcos also stole around US$5 Billion to US$10 Billion in government money which would be  equivalent to about USD10.6 to USD21.2 billion or almost 500 billion to 1 trillion Philippine pesos in 2014.

Germans and Cambodians grateful to the Philippines

Cambodians and Germans are very grateful to the Philippines since they show an example of how forgiveness can unite a country.  It shows that at some point you have to let go and see the better side of history.  Although Hitler and Polpot are far worst than Marcos, it is about time to forgive according to them.

However, there is one problem to the burial of Hitler and Polpot.  It seems that things like this can only be possible in the strangest dream and a nightmare.  It would be fine to give forgiveness but it would be impossible to forget what someone like these two barbaric leaders did in their country.

Disclaomer:  The story and article above is a pure pigment of imagination.  This serves as a satirical news based on actual events.

Ferdinand Marcos burial at Libingan Ng Mga Bayani

The recent burial of Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan Ng Mga Bayani sends a strong message to the world - that we are indeed a nation which easily forgives and forgets.  We just love to move on maybe because we finally accepted that things will not be better and that corruption is indeed a part of life.

People continue to patronize Erap Estrada or Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo despite of the things that they have done.  Leaders who are well equipped to run and govern this country lose big to those who are just popular.  Calamities happen again and again despite many times that we had been warned simply because our actions are just short lived and does not go to the long term.  We are already resigned to the fact that our government is corrupt and it is better to mind our own business.

I would agree that indeed there are good things to what Marcos did during his term but still it would be best for him if he had been buried elsewhere.

Thanks for reading.

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