Breaking News

Farewell to "Chalk is Cheap"

Farewell to the blog "Chalk is Cheap". This blog is one of the good and sensible of the many blogs in the internet and it was very unfortunate that he had been spammed and hacked. This hacking incident was the result of his honest posts and opinions about various things which may have cause his blog to went offline permanently.

Below is the message from the owner of Chalk is Cheap with previous blog address at

Wednesday 9 April 2007

I have just been informed by the host of this site that my database has been broken into in some or other way. Most of the articles have been destroyed. I have received 215 039 spam comments just today. I received a further 600 odd hate mails via e-mail. My machine has been infected by a variety of virusses and worms.

I used to run a news blog in South Africa which was effectively closed down in much a similar way by certain right-wing elements in my home country. I am afraid they have found my new site and the nightmare is about to start all over again.

I do have backups and I could very easily start up again but in all honesty, this old man is now too old, the b******s have won.

I am closing Chalk is Cheap down with immediate effect and have already changed my e-mail address. I will continue developing static and blog themes offline. These I will make available as open source templates and themes via a friends site.

I have enjoyed the ride, it was fun. I have met many interesting people and found even more wonderful sites. I thank you all.

There are quite a few people who have purchased ads on my site in my Entrecard queue, please cancel these so that you get your credits back. Joy, your ad was running today, I do not know if you can still cancel. Just in case you cannot, I am transferring the last of my credits to your account ( this is actually my way of saying thanks for all the great recipes).

If any member of the Recipro-Drops group sees their way clear to take over the running of the group, please feel free to do so.

Who knows, maybe we will bump into one another again, somewhere down the line.

Happy blogging.

Arnold Goodway.

To Arnold, thanks for being part of the blogosphere and I hope you still will be part of it. You had been part of my drop list and had been reading your posts as well. To whoeever did this well "karma" has its way.

Good luck pal!