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Paradise for Japanimation Fanatics at Android's Dungeon (Anime, Manga, JPOP and more...)

That's how I describe, Android's Dungeon, a blog which I learned about at Entrecard. I was just a regular dropper at this networking site for bloggers and I happen to visit this site. What I noticed at my first glance was the collection of anime, Japanese Pop and manga which can be accessed through the blog.

The blog just started November 2007 but is now gaining huge traffic and has an Alexa ranks of around 39,000. A great start for a relatively new blog. Highly commendable indeed.

In his first post Xacus tells visitors about his blog...

Hi, I'm Xacur and this is My Blog. I have been blogging for some time and have some idea of what is it, but I have only written in thematic blogs, and only in spanish. This is something new that I want to try. So, this is how I start, the blog is not complete yet, but I'll keep improving it with more widgets and of course with constant posting.

Well definitely, Xacur made something out of this blog and I hope that as time goes by that more downloads and posts will be present so that Japanimation enthusiasts can get more resources from the Android's Dungeon.

So visit the Dungeon Now and start surfing...