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Sydney Dalton: A Victim of Justin Bieber's Fans?

Sydney Dalton: A Victim of Justin Bieber's Fans?- Hate messages, name calling and other things are now being hurled over a lady named, Sydney Dalton. She was a diehard Justin Bieber fan and in fact it seems that she love the singer in her heart. She claimed to have met Justin Bieber on a couple of occasions and enjoys also a wide following on Twitter.

Things is all going well until Sydney Dalton posted a video on YouTube announcing that she is no longer a Justine Bieber fan and then she and two other friends began tearing down posters of Justin Bieber in her room.

Since that day many have unfollowed her on Twitter, she was also removed from the Bieber Army and had lost her friends as well. The Bieber Army is a group of diehard supporters of the teen sensation, Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber even mentioned Sydney Dalton in his tweet, "I haven't forgiven or punished... ignore than nonsense... but I know to be aware now... love yah!"

Seems that people who tries to feel the opposite about well loved personalities will indeed suffer the wrath of the fans of these personalities. Though some fans don't realize that they might end up being a cyber bully. I hope that Sydney Dalton knows what she did and will be strong enough to face the consequences.

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