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Showbizness Means Beauty and Surgery Has Its Good Benefits

The Oscars is just around the corner and tomorrow, the 24th we will see another batch of nominees turned winners. Beautiful actress with admirable bodies and physique but what if they know that they can improve their looks better?

With the advent of new technology in medicine, cosmetic surgery is now one of the viable options for those who want to increase their look and body edge over other fellow artists in the industry. Some of the most common cosmetic surgery includes Boob Job and Botox among others.

Dr Paul Nassif of Spalding Drive Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology in Beverly Hills has claimed that although many celebrities are growing old with grace, there are a number of small enhancements that would benefit their appearance.

"Maybe they are tired of the crows'' feet around their eyes or they would like fuller, plumper lips," he said. "For them, injectable fillers are a great answer."

For more details on the Oscars and it's possible benefit from surgery click this link.