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Will LeBron James Influence Chris Paul?

Chris Paul of New Orleans Hornets might be dragged to the shameful path that LeBron James and his powerbrokers have taken. Paul is now being convinced by Team LeBron to ask the Hornets to trade him for a team which could be into contention. Would Chris Paul, a soft hearted loved by the folks at New Orleans do a LeBron James?

“Best of luck to my brother [Chris Paul] … Do what’s best for You and your family,” tweets LeBron James on Thursday as if persuading Paul to follow on his steps.

James and his team composed of manager Maveric Carter and William Wesley are now trying to work on Chris Paul's insecurities and lure him into a trade which will not be best for Paul but will be best for them.

Chris Paul however has two years more of contract to the New Orleans Hornets and Kevin Demps, the new Hornets manager would not easily give in to the power trip of World Wide Wesley and King James.

More on this news here.

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