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A New War in Afghanistan: War on Resources

A new stunning discovery had made geological scientists and explorers bite their lips and sit in awe as they found out that Afghanistan could just be one of the biggest mining reserves in the world. The US geologists that was sent on mission to Afghanistan estimated the reserves to values at least $1 Trillion, an amount enough to rebuild the country or worst tear it apart.

The discover of new resources as big as this could end up in two ways. Afghanistan could develop and the people would end up having a prosperous life or the war for control would escalate as the battle for control of the resources begins.

Another war is on the midst as China begins its own conquest of minerals in Afghanistan. It recently won the bid for a copper mineral exploration and mining and the region and wants more share in the exploitation of resources.

Afghanistan is also facing a huge technical and know-how problem as mining had never been a factor nor an industry in the country. If ever the large question is whether the mine and resources Afghanistan has can be mined safely and soundly so that it would be environmentally sustainable.

Afghanistan's President Mohammad Karzai's government is not fully trusted to be handling these potential wealth and resources especially that the allegation of nepotism and corruption deep within his government is rising. Plus, the Taliban's eagerness to take over the country might be fueled by a scenario where they will be controlling such a vast amount of resource.

Nonetheless, before the US$1 Trillion in resources in Afghanistan can be turned into an economic value the hurdle that must be met are in itself very difficult and surely worth more than the amount of resources to be extracted.

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